Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Resource: Serving the Behavioral Needs of Students Who Are DHH

Visit to explore an amazing online resource through the Illinois Service Resource Center! It includes a series of online modules that target the areas of:

  • Classroom Accommodations for Students Who Are DHH

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders and Deafness

  • Classroom Management

  • DHH Sensitive Assessment & Intervention

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Iowa Expanded Core Curriculum for Students Who Are D/HH

This web resource is provided courtesy of Marsha Gunderson, Iowa Department of Education.

"...students who are deaf or hard of hearing have specialized needs not covered in the general education curriculum. The purpose of the Expanded Core Curriculum for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (ECC-DHH) is to be a resource for IFSP and IEP team members when developing educational plans for a student who is deaf or hard or hearing. This tool is designed for teachers of students who are deaf or hard of hearing and education audiologists to address these identified areas that are either not taught or require specific and direct teaching. The intent of the ECC-DHH is to be a framework for addressing unique needs of students who are deaf or hard of hearing."

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Web Conference: Engaging Deaf Learners in the Mainstream Classroom

The following message was received from the University of North Carolina:

We are happy to announce the publication of the archive of the national web conference, "Engaging Deaf Learners in the Mainstream Classroom" with Dr. David Martin, Dr. Mary V. Compton, and Mrs. Kathy Metzer.

You may view or download this event, along with a .pdf transcript at the following address:

2012 Statewide Conference on Education of the D/HH

Dates: July 30-August 1, 2012
Location: Westin Galleria Houston

For more registration and conference information, visit!

Placement and Readiness Checklists (PARC) for Students Who Are D/HH

This document is available on Project Share and made available from Cheryl DeConde Johnson, Ed.D. of Colorado. It is a tool that can be used to guide IEP conversations and is not considered state guidance for ARD decision-making. To locate this document, click on the title link above or paste the following URL into your browser to go to my page in Project Share (

PARC is a set of placement and readiness checklists designed to assist IEP teams when making decisions about programming and placement fro students who are deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH). Most students who are D/HH are considered for placement in the general education setting for at least part of their school day. Ultimately, inclusion in the general education classroom for these students should mean that when provided the necessary accommodations, modification, and supports, they have the ability to actively and meaningfully participate in the communication, instruction, and social activities of their class using their identified communication mode(s). The two components that shoudl be considered when evaluating placement and service delivery are the skills of the student and the learning environment. Students should be matched for the learning environment by 1) demonstrating a set of prerequisite skills that are based on their identified individual goals, and 2) documenting that the instructional environment is designed to support the studenyt to achieve those goals.

These checklists may be used as tools to assist the IEP team in examining the many factors that influence how well a student is able to function and perform in various classroom settings.

Part 1: The Readiness Checklist
This section focuses essential skills that students require in order to actively and meaningfully participate in their educational programs with the intended communication approach. Four checklists target the following areas:
- General education inclusion readiness
- Interpreterd/transliterated education readiness
- Captioning/transcribing readiness
- Instructional communication access

Part 2: Placement Checklist
This scetion assists the IEP team in evaluating the accessibility and appropriateness of the general education setting to support students who are D/HH. The appropriate age ;level checklist is selected (i.e., 2A-Prechool/Kindergarten, 2B-Elementary, 2C-Secondary) and then completed through observation, interview and discussion among bteam members. The checklist considers the physical environment, general learning environment, instructional style of the teacher, school culture, and how well the learning environment is matched with the stduent's communication, language, and social needs.

Webinar: Deaf Learners and Successful Cognitive Achievement

This website is hosted by the University of North Carolina that focuses on K-12 teaching and learning. There is a wealthy of information regarding differentiated instruction and working in inclusive classrooms. The link above take you to the 3rd Module that was published by David S. Martin, PhD and targets Deaf learners. Here are a few topics addressed:

- Video: Teaching Deaf Students in Inclusive Classroom (past to present)
- Video: The Importance of Deaf Culture
- Instructional Enrichment
- Equitable Assessment
- Video: Deafness, Language & Literacy
- The Role of the Family
- Video: The Importance of Collaboration
- Instructional Conditions
- Video: Modes of Communication
- Video: Deafness, Self-Esteem & the Inclusive Classroom

Explore this website for other wonderful ideas, strategies, and suggestions!

University of Minnesota: Educational Resources for Teachers of the D/HH

University of Minnesota: Education Resourtces for Teachers of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Used with permission of Sue Rose, UM

This website is designed as a resource for teachers serving students who are deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH) in a variety of educational settings. The goal is to equip teachers with the most appropriate tools and resources to maximize the academic growth of students who are D/HH. The website includes instructional strategies and activities in the areas of;

  • Language development,

  • Reading,

  • Writing (under development),

  • Assessment (under development), and

  • Academic progress monitoring. Four webinars onprogress monitoring and the use of Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) as an integral component of instruction are available.

Each of these areas is targeted as critical to the development of literacy and academic success for students who are D/HH. The resources included on the website have been selected specifically to address instructional practices at the elementary, middle, and secondary levels and can be applied across languages and modalites. The language and reading sections include instructional strategies, activities and sample lesson plans that support best and promising practices. The webinar includes the use of CBM and an introduction to the systemic use of data as an integral part of the teaching and learning process.

While few strategies can be classified as "evidence-based" with students who are D/HH, the information available through the progress monitoring webinar may assit teachers in gathering valid and reliable data and provide evidence regarding the effectiveness of instructional interventions.

The development of the webinar was supported by a combination of funds from the Minnesota Department of Education, USDOE:OSEP Personnel Preparation grant, and the University of Minnesota.